Well, it's true, I mean, what do you get me for my birthday? As, I only want Stitch, and, being the greedy sort, I already buy all the Stitch for myself.
This year, the Evil Mr. Tikistitch employed an evil friend to evilly sneak me some STEALTH STITCHIES!!!! Yes, it's true. And, I have no idea how he did it. I mean, I see how you could maybe sneak a couple plushies into our house if you stuffed them into your pants or something. But this was a whole box!!! How is it possible? Especially because, as is well known, tiki hates surprises.
Anyways, lots of neato stuff, including the hand towels shown above. Also, something I'd never seen before, what appears to be a Stitch doily! I guess it's something you'd give to your great auntie in Japan if she's also into Stitch? There was a pen from an insurance company, Dai-Ichi life - I know Snoopy and the gang have been advertising life insurance here for ages, but I've never seen a Disney character involved in such a thing. Also, a bit late for Xmas, but an adorable Cutie Stitch Santa box, for keeping even more Stitchies in. Also a magnet set that includes that weird graphic of Stitch swimming. As we all know, Stitch doesn't swim, due to the whole sinking to the bottom and drowning thing. AND the monster killer set of Stitch tissues, for next time I get the sniffles.
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