I'm not 100% certain this is exactly what George Lucas had in mind when he created the Star Wars universe so many years ago. Anyways. This is a plushie Stitch (a crane machine prize from Singapore, to be more specific) dressed in officially licensed Lucasfilm Limited Jedi robes from Build A Bear (many thanks to Amy S. for spotting them!!!).
So, after completing my latest mad science project, I proudly presented him to our home's resident Star Wars fanatic, Mr. Tikistitch, expecting to elicit an amusing array of anguish that is typical for him whenever my blue alien friend is introduced into his franchise of choice.
"Cool!" remarked Mr. Tiki.
"WUT?" sez I.
"You know what you should do? You should get ALL the Build A Bear Star Wars costumes, and you should put them all on Stitches, and make the entire range?"
"Um, did a changeling just come in and steal my husband?"
"What are the other costumes in the line?"
Mr. Tiki then cheerily rattled off all of the other licensed Build A Bear Star Wars outfits, from memory. "You need to get some generic Stitches! It will be cool!"
So, there you go. My spouse is on record at believing that my current issue is I need more Stitches.
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