So, though complete incompetence at the Japanese language has not prevented me from filling the spare bedroom with Stitchiana, it does lead to a certain amount of surprise when I actually receive an item I ordered on the basis of a tiny image on the Intarwebs.
This is one of those situations
I ordered this cute item from a Japanese web site named Belle Maison, which seems to specialize in kawaii household objects. I saw the hourglass and figured it was some kind of kitchen timer. Then when I finally received the item, I puzzled for a bit over the little ceramic holder. Was it to hold your hard boiled egg? Then I took another look at the box: this is a toothbrush holder! After you've eaten your coconut cake and coffee, you set the timer to make sure you spend enough time brushing your teeth. Good dental hygiene, with Stitch! Keen.
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